A-60 (2024)

Mild gore warning. Discretion is advised.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Appearance
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 See Also
  • 8 References

Quick Answers

A-60 (1)

What is A-60 in the game R-Rooms?A-60 (2)

A-60 is the first monster that players encounter in the game R-Rooms. It appears when a player reaches or opens the door into Room A-060 and has a chance to appear every time a door is opened from A-060 onwards.

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What does A-60 look like?A-60 (3)

A-60 is a face that constantly switches between six different faces, all tinted red. It has a bright red light surrounding it and a less bright light with a farther range. The faces combine in different positions, creating iconic face combinations.

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What are some strategies and tips for dealing with A-60?A-60 (4)

A-60 moves quickly and gets faster with each room you go through, so take any noise you hear seriously. The buzzing/static noise it makes will get louder as it gets closer. Turning sideways can help identify its noises from the background. Alternatively, you can stay by a Locker and wait until you hear it, then quickly hide. It's also advisable to listen for A-60 when opening rooms with easily accessible Lockers and to sprint through rooms with diamond plate flooring.

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What is the purpose of the debug menu in R-rooms?A-60 (5)

The debug menu in R-rooms allows players to see hidden stats that hint towards whether or not monsters are active. It can be accessed by pressing Shift + F1 or CTRL + SHIFT + F7.

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What happens if players step out of their Locker when A-60 is chasing them?A-60 (6)

If players step out of their Locker when A-60 is chasing them, it will start to move again but will still ignore players in Lockers.

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A-60 (A.K.A. The Multi Monster)[1] is (in most cases) the first Monster that you will meet in the game, and is one of two monsters. It takes the form of constantly switching eerie faces, some of the faces even containing mild gore.

A-60 will have a chance of appearing each time a door is opened beyond A-059. After waiting five seconds, it will spawn in a corner of the lobby and directly start rushing to the closest player which is both alive and not hiding. Its speed increases over time. The only way to avoid A-60 is to hide in a locker. If all players are hidden in a locker, A-60 will abruptly stop for five more seconds, and then despawn. However, if not all players are hidden, A-60 will refuse to despawn until all living players hide, or until it kills all non-hiding players.

A-60 is considered the most iconic entity in the game, and is very well known to be the main icon of Rooms due to its popularity gained from mainly DOORS, as well as other Rooms fangames.


Main Article: A-60/Origins

A-60, as described above, does not have a static appearance. Its face constantly switches through 6 faces (only 5 of which now visible), which overlap and create various combinations. A-60's most representative appearance has been largely accepted to be its 1st and 2nd face combo, known as the "Accurate A-60". Below is a tabber showing a description of each of A-60's individual page. Click each tabber to get a description on each A-60's faces' appearances.

A-60 (7)

A-60's first face is a menacing smiling face facing toward the right, that seems to have raw, yellowish teeth and glowing red sinister eyes. It's also a bit squished. Its origin comes from a character called "The Guy" from the American heavy metal band "Disturbed".

A-60 (8)

Its second face is the most popular A-60 face. It is again, a smiling face, however this time it leans toward the left. It has also blood around it, with its mouth being separated and its teeth grey, the eyes looking are unaligned simple black circles (oval once compressed) with bloody runoff in a straight line downward.

A-60 (9)

The entity's third face is that of SCP-087-B. It has a bloody smile, with white dots for eyes.

A-60 (10)

A-60's fourth face is a very much gory face. Its mouth is a deep wound PNG, and its eyes are gory skin folds. The image has been deleted from the Roblox Marketplace due to mass reports.

A-60 (11)

Its fifth face is an insane, white toothy grin, with an unhinged expression. It originates from a Blockland Mod.

A-60 (12)

Finally, A-60's sixth face is a red spiral/swirl, with 2 drooping eyes, and an open mouth with three top teeth, The rest of the mouth is not visible due to the rest of its spiral appearing to turn over it, It is identical to Giygas from the Nintendo game Earthbound, as it was taken directly from EarthBound.

Strategy & Tips

  • A-60 will move in a very quick pace from A-059, and gets faster every room you go through, so take any noise you hear seriously. The buzzing/static noise will get louder as it gets closer.
    • Turning sideways can help identify it's noises from the background as you can try and tell if it's coming from only one side of your headset or the other, this will require you to use a headset to effectively use this strategy.
    • Alternatively, you can stay by a Locker and wait until you make sure you hear it, and once you do, quickly hide.
  • Turning your volume up to a higher level will help you hear A-60’s static better, but will be toned out by louder noises such as Gummy Flashlight and diamond plate footsteps. Every time a player opens a room with easily accessible Lockers, they should stop and listen for A-60.
    • Note that the carpet footstep sounds have white noise in its audio, so it is advisable to stop briefly to listen out.
    • Following this, if you enter a room with a diamond plate flooring, simply sprint through it.
    • Avoid shaking the Gummy Flashlight constantly, and use it when you're certain no monsters will catch you off guard.
  • Although advisable to play with 2 players or less, it is possible to survive with more, by keeping two-player groups between the players, the farther the players spread behind, the better, this ensures that all players have a chance to claim a Locker, and survive all the Monster attacks.
    • Be mindful of how far you lag behind in the first few rooms, lag behind too much and you'll quickly fall victim to A-60 when it spawns.
  • Ghosts might want to stay behind as to spot A-60, when it spawns and alert surviving players that they're coming. This will not work if using the in-game chat system, as Rooms does not log any chat messages, and chat messages can only be read by looking at the speech bubble on top of the player who sent the message.
    • This strategy only works for early game, as later into the rooms, A-60 will simply make noise at max volume, and completely disregard its distance from any living player.
  • Further into the rooms, A-60 will take really really long periods of time to actually catch up to you, but it will reach its peak volume unusually fast, don't panic though, it is still several minutes behind you and possibly farther the more you progress, but you should still hide sometime soon, as it will start damaging you from afar if it gets close enough.
    • The specific rate at which A-60's speed increases is of ~0.066 RPS.
  • Another strategy, although it will break immersion, but will be key to your journey after A-199, is through opening and utilizing a debug menu. This menu will allow you to see stats usually hidden from the player, these stats will hint towards whether or not Monsters are active. These menus are provided by the standard Roblox Client, so don't worry.
    • To make use of this menu, press [Shift + F1] or [CTRL + SHIFT + F7], to toggle its visibility on your screen. Or for mobile players go to settings and turn performance status on instead.
    • If your Ping starts to randomly rise or becomes red, or your Moving Prims increases by 1, it means either A-60 or A-200 have spawned and have begun chasing the players.
      • The further you are into the rooms, the more earlier this event could take place.
      • In some cases, A-60 will start buffering for a few seconds until going toward you, acting as A-200 mimicry if you use the [Shift + F1] method.
    • Unlike A-200, A-60 does not have a way that is as reliable to detect its arrival using this method.
      • However, at the late-game, it becomes useless, due to how its static volume increases unusually the further you progress, to the point it simply goes to its max volume before it even gets close to you at all.
  • On mobile, the way to detect entities is to watch the Recv level on performance status. The average Recv rate is around 0.3-0.4. If your Recv rate jumps to and stays at level of around 0.8-1, this likely means A-60 has spawned and is coming for you.
    • When hiding this level will decrease to around 0.4-0.5 and will eventually return to normal, meaning A-60 has despawned.
    • A-200 can be detected in the same way.


  • The reason for A-60 being able to appear at A-059 is due to how the game registers the current room number. When the player reaches A-059, the game registers the value "60", which is the room number of the next room.
  • Due to game lag, the further you get through the rooms, A-60 may take random intervals to start moving when it spawns. Sometimes that interval may take up to a second before it is shot flying towards your direction, and may sometimes not even take a quarter of a second to move.
    • It also "stutters" along the way and does not move seamlessly toward players. Due to this, at larger speeds, it may overshoot players and never really touch them, so to compensate for this, it has a damage aura that increases in size the further you progress.
  • A-60 spawns at The Lobby's door that leads to A-001 and will start to chase any players that are currently not in a Locker. The noises it emits, cannot be heard by Ghosts.
    • If a player steps out of their Locker, it will start to move again, but will still ignore players in Lockers.
    • A-60, also does not spawn directly on the lobby's door, and instead, spawns on the right corner of the lobby, it is unknown why this was done, but was theorized to have been a countermeasure to avoid players being instantly killed as soon as it spawned.
  • A-60's faces often overlap, making it appear as if there are more faces than actually exist. They are also squashed into a perfect square rather than being their full size.
  • A-60's faces seem to shift their position every time they are updated. This can only be seen when it is close to the player. The farther A-60 is, the more shifted the faces are.
  • Both A-60 and A-200 will refuse to despawn unless every player gets inside a Locker.
  • A-60 is able to overshoot players. To combat this, nicorocks5555 made it that A-60 slightly damages you whenever you are nearby. If you hide at the right time, you can take a bit of damage, but not completely die. It's important to note that you are unable to regenerate this lost health.
  • A-60's distance of being able to hear its sound slowly increases the further in the game you get. Eventually, you are able to hear it perfectly when you are far enough in, but it is unlikely that people will ever reach that distance.


  • Nicorocks5555 has stated that A-60's nickname is "The Multi Monster", however this was never referenced in-game. [1]
  • It was believed that A-60's name is actually A-50, but this was confirmed false.[1]
  • Nicorocks5555 uses a BillboardGui for A-60' (Same with A-200.)
  • The filename for A-60 is "monster".
  • A-60's faces were thought to change AnchorPoints, but this was stated false. They change their offset position.
  • One of A-60's faces is that of Giygas, the final boss of EarthBound.
  • All of A-60's faces are taken from the Toolbox/Marketplace. and they are all tinted dark red (170,0,0)
  • A-60 appears in the popular Roblox game called DOORS (which is inspired by Rooms) in the secret floor called "The Rooms." A-60's face design is different, only seeming to be A-60's iconic face combo with lots of editing such as lighter colors and a static effect with many colors. It is accompanied by particles of faces that seem to be A-60's fourth face but heavily distorted.
    • A-60 also appears in the popular Roblox game called, PRESSURE (as "The Multi-Monster"), A-60's face design appears to be a combination of its first and second design. A-60's behavior in this game is slightly different, notifying the player that they're coming. A-60 will give words of encouragement upon avoiding them, but will criticize you if you fail to do so.
    • Before A-60 was publicly added into DOORS, they were used by the developers to troll KreekCraft, a popular Roblox content creator, when he was streaming DOORS.
      • This mentioned A-60 was hidden within a horde of Ambushes.
      • This led to a chain of events of people trying to find or use exploits to find A-60 in DOORS to gather views, as people thought that A-60 existed in DOORS.
  • A-60's first face originates from "The Guy", the mascot from the American heavy metal band "Disturbed".
  • A-60's fourth and sixth face's creator was terminated on Roblox.
  • The fourth face originates from the actual wounds of real-life people.
  • A-60's BillboardGui is influenced by light, so A-60 appears to be dark crimson or bright red.
  • A-60's sounds will bug out if you're too far away from it, and may suddenly spike to max volume.
  • A-60's number is possibly a reference to Specimen 2 from Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion Spooky's mansion due to the fact that Rooms was inspired by it so, therefore, nicorocks5555 could have paid tribute to SJM by naming it A-60.
  • A-60 can instantly kill the player, but only when it touches them, meaning it only damages players if they get near enough and don't touch A-60.


  • In-Game

  • Faces

  • Miscellaneous


A-60 (13)

Player hiding inside a locker in front of A-60. (A-60's fourth face is visible in this photo before its removal.)

A-60 (14)

A player right before being killed by A-60.

A-60 (15)

See Also

A close-up image of A-60.

A-60 (16)


A-60 (17)

A-60's most iconic face combination under the vision of a Ghost.

A-60 (18)



A-60 (19)

A-60 killing player.

A-60 (20)

A-60 passing by.

A-60 (21)

A-60 spawning in the lobby (Ghost POV).


A-60 (22)

A-60's First face decal named No... by DeadZoneHark.

A-60 (23)

A-60's Second face decal named Scary face by gamemaster60788.

A-60 (24)

A-60's Third face decal named SCP-87-B by DetectivePuppetHD.

A-60 (25)

A-60's Fourth face decal named Scary Face uploaded by RotSlot, It is now content deleted. RotSlot was terminated way before this happened.

A-60 (26)

A-60's Fifth face decal named very scary face by PatrykZPZ.

A-60 (27)

A-60's Sixth face decal named Giygas by redd9999. redd9999 was terminated after this was uploaded.

Other Things

A-60 (28)

A-60's design in Roblox DOORS.

A-60 (29)

A-60's design in PRESSURE.

A-60 (30)

Table of every A-60 face combination.

A-60 (31)

A-60's faces colored red in-game.

See Also


A-60 (32)
Normal Monsters


Light Sources

FlashlightGummy Flashlight

Power Source


Game Features


Game Mechanics


Game Development

RoomsNicorocks5555Esolorio2Removed Content

Other Stuff

Room TypesLocked DoorA-60/OriginsGummy Flashlight Dispenser

A-60 (2024)
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