Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (2024)

Material Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (1) Material Blue Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (2) Material Lime Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (3) Material Orange Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (4) Material Purple Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (5) Material Teal Light

Material Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (6) Material Blue Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (7) Material Lime Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (8) Material Orange Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (9) Material Purple Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (10) Material Teal Dark

Material Light Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (11) Material Blue Light Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (12) Material Lime Light Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (13) Material Orange Light Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (14) Material Purple Light Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (15) Material Teal Light Compact

Material Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (16) Material Blue Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (17) Material Lime Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (18) Material Orange Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (19) Material Purple Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (20) Material Teal Dark Compact

Generic Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (21) Generic Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (22) Carmine

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (23) Soft Blue

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (24) Green Mist

Generic Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (25) Generic Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (26) Contrast

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (27) Dark Violet

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (28) Dark Moon

Generic Light Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (29) Generic Light Compact

Generic Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (30) Generic Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (31) Contrast Dark Compact

Fluent Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (32) Fluent Light

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (33) Fluent SaaS Light

Fluent Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (34) Fluent Dark

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (35) Fluent SaaS Dark

Fluent Light Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (36) Fluent Light Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (37) Fluent SaaS Light Compact

Fluent Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (38) Fluent Dark Compact

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (39) Fluent SaaS Dark Compact

Backend API

import React, { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react';import DropDownBox, { DropDownBoxTypes } from 'devextreme-react/drop-down-box';import TreeView from 'devextreme-react/tree-view';import DataGrid, { Selection, Paging, FilterRow, Scrolling, DataGridTypes,} from 'devextreme-react/data-grid';import CustomStore from 'devextreme/data/custom_store';import 'whatwg-fetch';const gridColumns = ['CompanyName', 'City', 'Phone'];const ownerLabel = { 'aria-label': 'Owner' };const makeAsyncDataSource = (jsonFile: string) => new CustomStore({ loadMode: 'raw', key: 'ID', load() { return fetch(`../../../../data/${jsonFile}`).then((response) => response.json()); }, });const treeDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('treeProducts.json');const gridDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('customers.json');function App() { const [treeBoxValue, setTreeBoxValue] = useState(['1_1']); const [gridBoxValue, setGridBoxValue] = useState([3]); const treeViewRef = useRef<TreeView<any>>(); const treeViewRender = useCallback( () => ( <TreeView dataSource={treeDataSource} ref={treeViewRef} dataStructure="plain" keyExpr="ID" parentIdExpr="categoryId" selectionMode="multiple" showCheckBoxesMode="normal" selectNodesRecursive={false} displayExpr="name" selectByClick={true} onContentReady={syncTreeViewSelection} onItemSelectionChanged={treeViewItemSelectionChanged} /> ), [treeDataSource], ); const dataGridRender = useCallback( () => ( <DataGrid height={345} dataSource={gridDataSource} columns={gridColumns} hoverStateEnabled={true} selectedRowKeys={gridBoxValue} onSelectionChanged={dataGridOnSelectionChanged} > <Selection mode="multiple" /> <Scrolling mode="virtual" /> <Paging enabled={true} pageSize={10} /> <FilterRow visible={true} /> </DataGrid> ), [gridDataSource, gridBoxValue], ); const syncTreeViewSelection = useCallback( (e: DropDownBoxTypes.ValueChangedEvent | any) => { const treeView = (e.component.selectItem && e.component) || (treeViewRef.current && treeViewRef.current.instance); if (treeView) { if (e.value === null) { treeView.unselectAll(); } else { const values = e.value || treeBoxValue; values && values.forEach((value) => { treeView.selectItem(value); }); } } if (e.value !== undefined) { setTreeBoxValue(e.value); } }, [treeBoxValue], ); const syncDataGridSelection = useCallback((e: DropDownBoxTypes.ValueChangedEvent) => { setGridBoxValue(e.value || []); }, []); const treeViewItemSelectionChanged = useCallback( (e: { component: { getSelectedNodeKeys: () => any } }) => { setTreeBoxValue(e.component.getSelectedNodeKeys()); }, [], ); const dataGridOnSelectionChanged = useCallback((e: DataGridTypes.SelectionChangedEvent) => { setGridBoxValue((e.selectedRowKeys.length && e.selectedRowKeys) || []); }, []); return ( <div className="dx-fieldset"> <div className="dx-field"> <div className="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded TreeView</div> <div className="dx-field-value"> <DropDownBox value={treeBoxValue} valueExpr="ID" inputAttr={ownerLabel} displayExpr="name" placeholder="Select a value..." showClearButton={true} dataSource={treeDataSource} onValueChanged={syncTreeViewSelection} contentRender={treeViewRender} /> </div> </div> <div className="dx-field"> <div className="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded DataGrid</div> <div className="dx-field-value"> <DropDownBox value={gridBoxValue} valueExpr="ID" deferRendering={false} inputAttr={ownerLabel} displayExpr="CompanyName" placeholder="Select a value..." showClearButton={true} dataSource={gridDataSource} onValueChanged={syncDataGridSelection} contentRender={dataGridRender} /> </div> </div> </div> );}export default App;

import React, { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react';import DropDownBox from 'devextreme-react/drop-down-box';import TreeView from 'devextreme-react/tree-view';import DataGrid, { Selection, Paging, FilterRow, Scrolling,} from 'devextreme-react/data-grid';import CustomStore from 'devextreme/data/custom_store';import 'whatwg-fetch';const gridColumns = ['CompanyName', 'City', 'Phone'];const ownerLabel = { 'aria-label': 'Owner' };const makeAsyncDataSource = (jsonFile) => new CustomStore({ loadMode: 'raw', key: 'ID', load() { return fetch(`../../../../data/${jsonFile}`).then((response) => response.json()); }, });const treeDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('treeProducts.json');const gridDataSource = makeAsyncDataSource('customers.json');function App() { const [treeBoxValue, setTreeBoxValue] = useState(['1_1']); const [gridBoxValue, setGridBoxValue] = useState([3]); const treeViewRef = useRef(); const treeViewRender = useCallback( () => ( <TreeView dataSource={treeDataSource} ref={treeViewRef} dataStructure="plain" keyExpr="ID" parentIdExpr="categoryId" selectionMode="multiple" showCheckBoxesMode="normal" selectNodesRecursive={false} displayExpr="name" selectByClick={true} onContentReady={syncTreeViewSelection} onItemSelectionChanged={treeViewItemSelectionChanged} /> ), [treeDataSource], ); const dataGridRender = useCallback( () => ( <DataGrid height={345} dataSource={gridDataSource} columns={gridColumns} hoverStateEnabled={true} selectedRowKeys={gridBoxValue} onSelectionChanged={dataGridOnSelectionChanged} > <Selection mode="multiple" /> <Scrolling mode="virtual" /> <Paging enabled={true} pageSize={10} /> <FilterRow visible={true} /> </DataGrid> ), [gridDataSource, gridBoxValue], ); const syncTreeViewSelection = useCallback( (e) => { const treeView = (e.component.selectItem && e.component) || (treeViewRef.current && treeViewRef.current.instance); if (treeView) { if (e.value === null) { treeView.unselectAll(); } else { const values = e.value || treeBoxValue; values && values.forEach((value) => { treeView.selectItem(value); }); } } if (e.value !== undefined) { setTreeBoxValue(e.value); } }, [treeBoxValue], ); const syncDataGridSelection = useCallback((e) => { setGridBoxValue(e.value || []); }, []); const treeViewItemSelectionChanged = useCallback((e) => { setTreeBoxValue(e.component.getSelectedNodeKeys()); }, []); const dataGridOnSelectionChanged = useCallback((e) => { setGridBoxValue((e.selectedRowKeys.length && e.selectedRowKeys) || []); }, []); return ( <div className="dx-fieldset"> <div className="dx-field"> <div className="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded TreeView</div> <div className="dx-field-value"> <DropDownBox value={treeBoxValue} valueExpr="ID" inputAttr={ownerLabel} displayExpr="name" placeholder="Select a value..." showClearButton={true} dataSource={treeDataSource} onValueChanged={syncTreeViewSelection} contentRender={treeViewRender} /> </div> </div> <div className="dx-field"> <div className="dx-field-label">DropDownBox with embedded DataGrid</div> <div className="dx-field-value"> <DropDownBox value={gridBoxValue} valueExpr="ID" deferRendering={false} inputAttr={ownerLabel} displayExpr="CompanyName" placeholder="Select a value..." showClearButton={true} dataSource={gridDataSource} onValueChanged={syncDataGridSelection} contentRender={dataGridRender} /> </div> </div> </div> );}export default App;

import React from 'react';import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';import App from './App.tsx';ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

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import React from 'react';import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';import App from './App.js';ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

[{ "ID": 1, "CompanyName": "Premier Buy", "Address": "7601 Penn Avenue South", "City": "Richfield", "State": "Minnesota", "Zipcode": 55423, "Phone": "(612) 291-1000", "Fax": "(612) 291-2001", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitepremierbuy.dx"}, { "ID": 2, "CompanyName": "ElectrixMax", "Address": "263 Shuman Blvd", "City": "Naperville", "State": "Illinois", "Zipcode": 60563, "Phone": "(630) 438-7800", "Fax": "(630) 438-7801", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteelectrixmax.dx"}, { "ID": 3, "CompanyName": "Video Emporium", "Address": "1201 Elm Street", "City": "Dallas", "State": "Texas", "Zipcode": 75270, "Phone": "(214) 854-3000", "Fax": "(214) 854-3001", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitevideoemporium.dx"}, { "ID": 4, "CompanyName": "Screen Shop", "Address": "1000 Lowes Blvd", "City": "Mooresville", "State": "North Carolina", "Zipcode": 28117, "Phone": "(800) 445-6937", "Fax": "(800) 445-6938", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitescreenshop.dx"}, { "ID": 5, "CompanyName": "Braeburn", "Address": "1 Infinite Loop", "City": "Cupertino", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 95014, "Phone": "(408) 996-1010", "Fax": "(408) 996-1012", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitebraeburn.dx"}, { "ID": 6, "CompanyName": "PriceCo", "Address": "30 Hunter Lane", "City": "Camp Hill", "State": "Pennsylvania", "Zipcode": 17011, "Phone": "(717) 761-2633", "Fax": "(717) 761-2334", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitepriceco.dx"}, { "ID": 7, "CompanyName": "Ultimate Gadget", "Address": "1557 Watson Blvd", "City": "Warner Robbins", "State": "Georgia", "Zipcode": 31093, "Phone": "(995) 623-6785", "Fax": "(995) 623-6786", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteultimategadget.dx"}, { "ID": 8, "CompanyName": "EZ Stop", "Address": "618 Michillinda Ave.", "City": "Arcadia", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 91007, "Phone": "(626) 265-8632", "Fax": "(626) 265-8633", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitee*zstop.dx"}, { "ID": 9, "CompanyName": "Clicker", "Address": "1100 W. Artesia Blvd.", "City": "Compton", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 90220, "Phone": "(310) 884-9000", "Fax": "(310) 884-9001", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteclicker.dx"}, { "ID": 10, "CompanyName": "Store of America", "Address": "2401 Utah Ave. South", "City": "Seattle", "State": "Washington", "Zipcode": 98134, "Phone": "(206) 447-1575", "Fax": "(206) 447-1576", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteamerica.dx"}, { "ID": 11, "CompanyName": "Zone Toys", "Address": "1945 S Cienega Boulevard", "City": "Los Angeles", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 90034, "Phone": "(310) 237-5642", "Fax": "(310) 237-5643", "Website": "http://www.nowebsitezonetoys.dx"}, { "ID": 12, "CompanyName": "ACME", "Address": "2525 E El Segundo Blvd", "City": "El Segundo", "State": "California", "Zipcode": 90245, "Phone": "(310) 536-0611", "Fax": "(310) 536-0612", "Website": "http://www.nowebsiteacme.dx"}]

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.dx-fieldset { height: 500px;}

Multiple Selection - React Drop Down Box (2024)


How do you handle multiple select dropdowns in react? ›

Enabling multi-select dropdowns in React Native
  1. Installing required packages.
  2. Creating a basic multi-select dropdown.
  3. Basic visual customizations.
  4. Basic behavioral customizations.
  5. Using event handler props.
  6. Adding custom styling definitions.
  7. Customizing the multi-select box text.
Mar 11, 2024

How can I pass multiple value by select in Reactjs? ›

You can make a select box controlled by passing a value prop: value : A string (or an array of strings for multiple={true} ). Controls which option is selected. Every value string match the value of some <option> nested inside the <select> .

How to select multiple values from dropdown? ›

Windows: We need to hold down the CTRL button to select multiple options. Mac: We need to hold down the command button to select multiple options.

How do I create a multi level dropdown menu in react? ›

Open the components/MenuItems. jsx file and add the following code: import Dropdown from './Dropdown'; const MenuItems = ({ items }) => { return ( <li className="menu-items"> {items. submenu ? ( <> <button type="button" aria-haspopup="menu"> {items.

Can multiple items be selected in a DropDownList? ›

With a dropdown select, it is only possible to select one option. If you want the ability to select more than one option, you'll want to use a Multiple Checkbox property type.

How do you MultiSelect a dynamically populated dropdown based on another dropdown value selection? ›

Procedure: How to Add a Dynamic Multiselect Drop-Down List
  1. Required: Allocate a text file that will contain the dynamic values. ...
  2. Include a DEFINE command to create a temporary field that identifies the values.
  3. Include the following command to save the values to the allocated file.

How to get all selected values of a multiple select box in javascript? ›

To get the list of selected options you can do it in two ways depending on what exactly you want to do. Bind the change event and use . val() method to get the array of selected values, e.x: $('#studentsSelect'). on('change', function() { var values = $(this).

How do you pass multiple values in context in React? ›

Steps to Add Multiple Contexts in React
  1. Use React. createContext to create each context.
  2. Use a Context. Provider to pass the current context value to the tree below.
  3. Any component in the tree can access the value by using a Context. Consumer or the useContext hook in functional components.
Oct 25, 2023

How do you pass multiple parameters to component React? ›

In React, we can pass an object as a parameter to a component by using object destructuring in the component's function parameter or by accessing the object directly through props. elements. Passing an object as a parameter allows us to pass multiple related values to a component in a structured way.

How would you enable multiple items to be selected in select? ›

Multiple List Selections. Adding the multiple attribute to <select> allows the user to select more than one option. The user will need to hold down the ctrl or cmd key to select more than one option in the list, so you will need to add some explanatory text.

What is the difference between select and dropdown? ›

Select versus Dropdown

A select presents a list of options from which the users can select only one item from that list. It works best in forms when users choose an option from the select list and submit data. A dropdown presents a list of options that users can select one or several options from that list.

How do I select multiple values in react dropdown? ›

In ReactJS applications, we always need to add the UI component that allows us to select multiple options from the DropDown list. So in Bootstrap, the Multi-Select Dropdown is a UI component that allows us to select multiple different options from the list of dropdown menus.

How do you make a MultiSelect Dropdownlist in react? ›

Creating Multi-select Dropdown with Checkbox in React
  1. Step 1: Add react-select NPM package. Add react-select NPM package to your project. ...
  2. Step 2: Add Custom Dropdown Option. ...
  3. Step 3: Define your data object. ...
  4. Step 3: Use the component while defining ReactSelect Element.
Jul 24, 2021

How to make a dynamic drop-down list in React? ›

We'll start by creating the basic structure of our dropdown component. This will involve setting up the main dropdown container, the button to trigger the dropdown, and the list of options. Then pass in the users array into the dropdown to create a list of users.

How to select multiple items in a drop down menu on a website? ›

Selecting multiple options vary in different operating systems and browsers:
  1. For windows: Hold down the control (ctrl) button to select multiple options.
  2. For Mac: Hold down the command button to select multiple options.

How do you handle multiple input fields in react? ›

Handling multiple inputs using React Hooks in React Native.
  1. Step 1: Add the initial state for all the input fields. Let's add default values to all 4 input fields. ...
  2. Step 2: Make a TextInput component. ...
  3. Step 3: Handle multiple input change function.
Mar 3, 2023

How do I clear multiselect dropdown in react? ›

You can clear the selected item in the below two different ways. By clicking on the clear icon which is shown in DropDownList element, you can clear the selected item in DropDownList through interaction. By using showClearButton property, you can enable the clear icon in DropDownList element.

How to set multiple selected value of DropDownList using Javascript? ›

When selecting multiple items, the selected items can be divided with a desired character as a delimiter. By default, the delimiter character is set to comma. The delimiter character is customizable using the delimiterChar property. To enable this multiselection mode, set the mode property to Delimiter.

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.