The Demon (Club Mafia) (2024)


250 reviews32 followers

December 22, 2022

Apresar de lo malo me leí la mitad de la saga 🫠


Diane Born in UK, now living on Spain

618 reviews11 followers

November 27, 2022

At last, the long awaited conclusion of this fantastic tale of Club Mafia.

In this book we meet the Demon up close and dangerous, as he starts on his heart wrenching mission to find Miss Ortega and the baby she saved, or did she? Failure is not an option for him and for his Mafia brothers.

This book from the start had you holding your breath wondering if he would succeed on his heartfelt task, the hardest one of his life.

The Demon finds Eliza easy enough and thinks he will be in and out, but from the start he realises it won’t be so simple. He uses pressure points to render her unconscious and then kidnaps her, takes her to his home. He quickly has her strapped to a bed as part of his torture treatments and definitely not for pleasure. He is a man used to inflicting torture to get what he wants and he enjoys it. Eliza however has been ‘dead’ inside for most of her life, she is strong willed and determined not to give him any information about the baby. The Demon realising his torture doesn’t work, decides to try kindness, but then he gets and feels more than he ever expected.

Has he met his ‘other half’, another dark soul, someone who understands him?

You must read this book yourself to find out, you will not be disappointed. It is full of twists and turns, you also meet people from the past who play amazing part in the conclusion. Be warned, once you start, you can’t and don’t want to put it down. The only bad thing about the book, was coming to the end.

But is it the end? Maybe the conclusion to this fabulous story, but not the end?

Honestly, I went through a range of emotions reading this book and it was a ten, (but can only mark a five). I definitely had to have a glass of wine and time to reflect at the end. Fabulous.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


187 reviews

November 22, 2022

This is the final chapter of the Club Mafia series and it was absolutely fantastic. This book and this series were so good that I would rate it more than 5 stars. The OMG action packed storyline, the plot twists and the heart wrenching moments that brought me to tears. Malik and Eliza’s story is full of darkness and pain. Malik is a demon of a man, dangerous, gorgeous and the man the Club Mafia group goes to for technical support. He is the man who gets things done under any means necessary. Eliza was the nanny to Winter’s son Frankie. Eliza has been lived in terror her whole life and then is captured by Malik to find information. While Malik uses torture methods in order to obtain information from Eliza, he realizes that Eliza is in the depths of despair. Malik begins to want to save her and offer her hope once he sees that she is just struggling to survive. I love how all the threads of the series came together and the plot line could not have been written any better. I was totally engrossed and enthralled by this book and this series. This has become one of my top ten favourite series and I know that I will read it again in its entirety. The Bonus Novella was definitely the icing on the cake! I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Carole Hanco*ck

511 reviews2 followers

February 20, 2023


Five guys take an oath, while attending a college/academy, to rescue the sister of one member of a club they form. This book covers the search for a baby that belongs to that sister of the one they call Boss. The last guy Malik hooks up in this book and the baby is returned unharmed.
There is no action or anything dark. There is a different sexcapade but nothing exciting. Book has no triggers.

Charlene Gaskins

871 reviews28 followers

May 29, 2023

DNF. Demon, monster and savior should not be put in the same sentence. Malik's and Eliza's story is outside of the original five who make-up Club Mafia. Eliza is the long lost supposed dead sister.

I can't wrap my head around why this book received high ratings. I decided to read Malik and Eliza's story as well as Baron's after reading the Ortega Mafia's latest book, which I enjoyed thoroughly. I will say that the reviews on Amazon for this book aren't as forgiving as those on Goodreads which is usually just the opposite. That being said, my issue with this book is the characters, not the storyline. The portion of 'The Demon' I read plays out with a convoluted, mysterious plot based upon something that this group has agreed to carry out or accomplish for the good of the members at all costs. In this case it is the return of Winter's baby.

Malik is a true demon as well as being a monster. I knew Eliza's character from the Ortega Mafia series expecting a tough, resilient, take no bullsh*t MFC who had been put through Hell, but was a survivor. She wasn't that at all in this story.

Malik abducts her, threatens her life, chains her to a bed naked, tortures, her, withholds food/water, cuts her with knife, demoralizes her in every way possible with verbal blasts and sick sexual tendencies; and tah duh.....and wants her to marry him. If that isn't a recipe for jumping off the closest cliff, I don't know what is. She turns into a blubbering mess the first third of this book crying all the time and yet she is SEXUALLY attracted to Malik. I was hardly into this book with Eliza hating Malik, but longing for his co*ck. Stockholm Syndrome didn't even have a chance to develop.

Why do authors need to make the women in these books look like complete idiots in order to make the MMC seem like their savior. There is a fine line in this genre of good vs., evil as well as a possible resurrection of a dark demented soul who lives in a dark world. I've seen authors successfully straddle that line with even most deviant characters and are successful to find something redeeming about that character by books' end, but is a difficult task for some authors to pull off. Strong and smart female characters in this genre need something more than sex in order to handle men like Malik unless they want to end up six feet under sooner instead of later or a burnt out drug addicted/alcoholic that pumps out heirs.


2,866 reviews35 followers

November 18, 2022

Malik and Eliza: I found the theme of their relationship quite original. This relationship is based on the pain and darkness in each of them. It is what draws them together and makes them the perfect match. The enigmatic and mysterious Malik has been scouring the earth for Winter's baby. It leads him to Eliza who is a mafia princess in her own right. When Eliza's information does not help Malik's search, he switches tactics and becomes intensely aggressive. Eliza's reaction to him takes him off guard and into uncharted territory. He is not use to having any feelings or emotions. But when he is with Eliza it is unavoidable. Malik must navigate shark infested waters when dealing with his second and his father. All this to keep Eliza safe. Otherwise it would mean death for both of them. An action-packed storyline of secrets, lies, manipulation, never ending search for Winter's baby and trying to obtain that elusive state of peace and freedom. A very exciting read. I highly recommend it.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Wonderful characters

December 3, 2022

Very DARK AND ADDICTIVE series. The Demon known as Malik is the darkest one of all with a brilliant mind. A broken soul with incredible strength both in mind and body. He doesn’t know how to reveal emotions and feelings with words but does so in actions. His plan for revenge is put into place, in retrieving baby Frankie son of Winter and Alessandro. He starts by locating and kidnapping the nanny Delores Brown aka Eliza Ortega daughter to Giovanni Ortega who calls himself King Mafia. There’s a current war going on with the Ortega family, where all families are involved including Malik’s. This is Malik’s story the last Club Mafia member. He gets his revenge as planned with the help of his friends Angelo, Ivan, Flynn Alessandro and one very special member. He also finds his happily ever after with Eliza just like his friends did through a mix of love and hate, good and evil, honour and betrayal and so much more. You can’t miss this last book, a Definite Read! Stella is one of my favourite authors and her writing is addictive. Can’t wait to read your next series Ortega Mafia for 2023!

Wendy Williams

185 reviews6 followers

November 19, 2022

The Club Mafia has captured me from the start. This is the final book of the series and it does not disappoint.
Malik, The Demon the last of the men yet to escape his family. Delores Brown, Nanny to Winter's baby Frankie, held hostage by a madman. Is she all she seems, Malik has to break her secrets in order to find the child.
The plan to bring down the evil that is the families of the Club Mafia members, so they can be rebuilt under new leadership now falls on these two. The story takes you through many twists and turns while Malik tries to find Frankie.
This book will have you at the edge of your seat as raises your hopes for a happy ending to despair as it appears that it will never happen. A surprise visit by a character from a previous series, he arrives to help but has he got his own agenda. This twist at the end of the book leaves the door open for a whole new series . I for one can't wait to see where it will take us.
This is an brilliant book to end what has been an amazing series. If you haven't read the others go back and do it now. You won't regret it.

Angela Parker

473 reviews3 followers

November 17, 2022

The conclusion of Club Mafia meets it’s thrilling ending when in this final book which I’m sad about this as I’ve really enjoyed reading this series. This is Malik’s book and brings to fruition all the boys plans. We meet with all the Club Mafia protagonists including Baron who plays an important but unbeknown to the boys part whilst seeking his own revenge. Love the plot twist here, Stella you’ve outdone yourself here with such an amazing storyline.
Malik has always been the mysterious daughter k stranger who can track down anything or one as here. Love our FMC Eliza who has unwittingly been dragged into the story by Massimo and tracked down as planned by Malik. There interactions are tense, neither trusting each other but love their explosive chemistry 🌶️🌶️
Such a great ending and leading into your new series. The Frankie bonus was so sweet especially as we get more Reapers, especially Ryder. This was a fantastic series and can’t wait for the new one about the Ortega Mafia.

🦉Maggie Whitworth

3,025 reviews100 followers

November 18, 2022


Absolutely outstanding series.
This is a fitting end, and fast moving story that will answer all your questions.

Malik is a hard character to fathom, he’s very intense and very good at being the one to solve the groups problems and dilemmas.

Eliza is a strong character too, she’s Massimo’s nanny, brought in to care for Frankie, Winter’s Son .
Now Malik must try to get the child’s whereabouts from Eliza, but she not going to crack easily, she’s scared of more than him.

The quality of this story shows just how much Stella puts into her books.
Tension and anxiety are at a maximum in this conclusion.
This is one you don’t want to miss.

There are some difficult moments and possible triggers, this is your warning ⚠️
Best read in order.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to write this review

J Andrade

172 reviews2 followers

November 22, 2022

This is the final book of The Club Mafia series and it does not disappoint. This is Malik, the Demon, and Delores Brown, aka Eliza Ortega’s story. I feel for Winter and Alessandro in wanting to get their son, Frankie back. We meet with all the Club Mafia group including Baron who plays an important part but unbeknownst to the group he seeks his own revenge. There are so many twists and turns while Malik tries to find Frankie. Stella Andrews you have outdone yourself here with such an amazing storyline. This was a tough read for me because I did not want to see the end to this series, I know it had to end but it was emotional. This is my honest review of an ARC.


955 reviews3 followers

November 25, 2022

Fitting finale to this series. Malik arranges the delivery of Eliza into his care so that he can establish the whereabouts of Frankie, his fellow club mafia member's son. Eliza was his nanny and was collected, along with Frankie from her former employer's home before it was destroyed. However, Eliza was delivered to Malik and Frankie was taken somewhere else. As Malik tries to get the information, he needs from Eliza his life gets complicated as he realizes she can't help him, and he develops unexpected feelings for her. Lots of twists in this story and a satisfying ending.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


662 reviews3 followers

November 27, 2022

Every book in the Club Mafia series has been absolutely brilliant. The plot twists and characters are incredibly written and I could not help but become invested in their lives.
This book follows Malik and Eliza. Both Malik and Eliza have darkness inside of them, but they still seem to balance each other out. There is finally a conclusion to the torment that the Club Mafia members have endured. I was excited that the series ended the way it did. In my opinion this is the best series I have read to date, there is darkness throughout, but I was never overwhelmed by it.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


1,897 reviews3 followers

December 5, 2022

The Demon...

Club Mafia. No spoilers from me cause this book is worth its weight in words. Malik and Eliza! This brilliantly written book will take you there. There are some parts that I just stared at my kindle in awe and a little bit ok alota bit of WTF. The last book in this simply marvelous series. And it does not stop. It grabbed me from chapter one, hell the preview if I'm being totally honest and it doesn't let go. It's an array of emotions on level 10 with all the feels. It's dramatic, hella twisty, angsty, funny and sexy. I went from holding my breath, to laughing, to gasping and yes even bawling my eyes out. I absolutely love love love this book and series.

Irene Marshall

1,513 reviews2 followers

December 28, 2022


An exceptional series all the characters are interesting and the storylines in all the books are exceptional and this the final book is the icing on the cake. Malik is known as the demon for good reason he is dark and mysterious and can dig out information that others find difficult to get. Whilst searching for Frankie the baby he crosses paths with Eliza Ortega she was the nanny to the baby and he takes her prisoner to get information but gets far more than that as the man who doesn't know how to love finds himself in deep with her. There is a twist in the ending to this series that also still leaves questions. An absolutely great series.

Frani Zumwalt

346 reviews1 follower

April 25, 2024

Excellent book. The trials and tribulations that follow Malik and Eliza are strenuous. She was Frankie nanny. She escaped with him to Zurich and she is told to leave him in the cab.
Malik has tracked her there and kidnaps her. They travel to his apartment in Dubai. Where he wants to know what happened to the baby. She refuses to answer. Malik then taunts her. He falls in love with her, and they make a pack to right all wrongs by their parents. Malik plans to get rid of both sets of parents
They travel to club mafia to met with the family and explain why they could not locate Frankie.

Tricia Medlin-Fogg

63 reviews

December 6, 2022

A really good series!

First, Malik's and Eliza's story was good. However, I didn't quite feel their connection like the others. Maybe that was purposeful because of the characters and their emotional issues. Still a good story. Second, the Club Mafia series was really enjoyable. I loved all the characters, and their stories. I truly appreciate that there were no cut corners around the horrifics of one of the main characters (I won't say who, to save any spoiler alerts 😉). Thanks Stella!

Rose Evans

293 reviews1 follower

April 3, 2023

Awesome story

Great author. Love this series. The plots are good. Great characters. N I love how they interact with each other thru out the different books. One thing that did bother me n I forgot to mention in other reviews was a couple of times I had to go back n check if I missed something because in this story it would say like he handcuffed her to the headboard n Just a couple sentences it would be like ,oh she's touching his chest. This happens a couple of times. Other than that, it's a great Mafia romance series.

Jean Wickerham

3 reviews

April 16, 2024

Just Thank you

You are an amazing woman. Who can incorporate several amazing group of books together. There were night that I had maybe 3 hours before getting for work. WHY YOU ASK. Cause I couldn’t put the books down. Then I went right into the next series, It took me 9 days to finish but I read. The Twisted Reapers, The Romanos, Beauty Series, The 5 kings, Club Mafia and Ortega mafia . Bring it on… Love, love love the way you twisted them together.
My question to you… what’s next. Thank you.

Merry Jelks-Emmanuel

7,507 reviews119 followers

November 23, 2022

Malik and Eliza's story brings this series to an astounding conclusion. Both of their lives have been bathed in blood and pain, but I digress. This story had me glued to the pages from start to finish and I am sad that the series has come to an end. This was well done, and I can't wait to see what Ms. Andrews has coming our way!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Lizette Diaz

2,543 reviews28 followers

November 18, 2022

Oh Stella!! I am the hugest fan of the Club Mafia series. We have become so connected with these characters and stories and you absolutely killed it with Malik and Elizas story. Every word was perfect and that ending and our special guest who came in, in the end. Im so sad to see their story end but this will forever go down as one of my all time favorite series.


12.2k reviews140 followers

November 21, 2022

This is another tantalizingly dark, seductively twisty and breathtakingly steamy read in this addictive series. Intense, gripping, gritty and raw, this story will grab you and keep you glued to the pages. I thought Malik and Eliza we're complex and intriguing characters and as a whole I would just call it incredible. I am electing to post a candid review.


2,429 reviews9 followers

November 22, 2022

OMG!! Long awaited and well worth it. I love how each member of Club Mafia found their soul mates. Maybe not the way you would expect but for these men of honor, their way. Which man was my favorite? It seems as each story unfolds that one is my favorite.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


798 reviews

December 2, 2022

The final book in the Club Mafia series, and I don't want it to be over. Stella Andrews has created an intricate world full of complex characters whose stories are so full-bodied I will miss them.
Malik and Eliza's book is perfect for the final book. Their story is full of action and spice.
This series is already on my reread list.

Wendy Livingstone

17.4k reviews211 followers

December 3, 2022

This is the conclusion to this incredible series, and this is Malok and Eliza’s journey. This is a well written conclusion, which is fast paced, action packed, and dark, with depravity, twists, suspense, romance, vengeance, entertaining and steamy, and this is not a tale for the faint-at-heart.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

    action-packed dark emotionally-charged

phyllis k gingold

377 reviews2 followers

December 10, 2022

people do change

I absolutely love this book. The characters were so unique and well developed. The plot twists were very exciting and unexpected. I wish the books had been released closer together, so I could have remembered more details before starting another book, but I eventually caught up with the plot with each book, and I absolutely loved it.

Megan Brown

70 reviews2 followers

December 21, 2022

Yes please

This book is the final chapter in a great series. It was one of the best books I have read. It was a great way to end. But I need a follow-up on the character and their lives on all six of them. I need to know if there are any more babies for club mafia. And I need to know if Malik and Eliza get married, what happens to winter, and Alessandro and his grandfather.

barbie hartman

261 reviews

January 1, 2023

Step 5 of the plan.

This is the suspenseful conclusion to this dark and twisted romance series that involves Mafia families. Malik and Eliza's story begins with abduction and fear, then evolves into so much more. There are some surprises, lots of passion and secrets revealed. This book is 200 pages, so it's a fast read.

Sylvia Clail

241 reviews6 followers

September 16, 2023

Heart warming HEA ending

The final book in the Club Mafia series see all the guys including Baron and Winter re-united under one roof once again.

However, the plot just thickens as it the clever, twisted, writing by Stella Andrews.

Off to download and read more of this authors books. I am officially addicted.


1,970 reviews3 followers

November 24, 2022

Wow, this is the last book in this series and it did not disappoint. Full of twist and turns and surprises that come from know where. Will winter get her happy ending finally? A MUST read series!!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

The Demon (Club Mafia) (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.