Labor Guild Admin on LinkedIn: Labor History Blog July 2024: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - Labor… (2024)

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Labor History Blog July 2024: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - Labor Guild


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    📅 June 11th in Labor History 📅1894: Representatives from the AFL, Knights of Labor, Populists, railroad brotherhoods, and other trade unions hold a unity conference in St. Louis. Despite their shared goal of improving workers' rights and conditions, they struggle to overcome ideological and strategic differences, leading to a lack of unified action. This conference highlights the challenges of creating a cohesive labor movement during a time of intense industrialization and labor unrest.1913: In New Orleans, police open fire on maritime workers striking against United Fruit Co., leading to a tragic outcome: one worker killed and two others wounded. The strike was part of a broader struggle for better wages and working conditions in a time when labor rights were fiercely contested.1969: John L. Lewis, a towering figure in American labor history, passes away. As president of the United Mine Workers from 1920 to 1960, Lewis played a pivotal role in improving working conditions and wages for miners. He was also instrumental in forming the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), which organized industrial workers across various sectors. His leadership and vision significantly shaped the labor movement in the 20th century.#LaborHistory #EqualPay #WorkersRights #OnThisDay #UFCW #solidarity

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  • UFCW Local 360 Cannabis Campaign


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    📅 June 11th in Labor History 📅1894: Representatives from the AFL, Knights of Labor, Populists, railroad brotherhoods, and other trade unions hold a unity conference in St. Louis. Despite their shared goal of improving workers' rights and conditions, they struggle to overcome ideological and strategic differences, leading to a lack of unified action. This conference highlights the challenges of creating a cohesive labor movement during a time of intense industrialization and labor unrest.1913: In New Orleans, police open fire on maritime workers striking against United Fruit Co., leading to a tragic outcome: one worker killed and two others wounded. The strike was part of a broader struggle for better wages and working conditions in a time when labor rights were fiercely contested.1969: John L. Lewis, a towering figure in American labor history, passes away. As president of the United Mine Workers from 1920 to 1960, Lewis played a pivotal role in improving working conditions and wages for miners. He was also instrumental in forming the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), which organized industrial workers across various sectors. His leadership and vision significantly shaped the labor movement in the 20th century.#LaborHistory #EqualPay #WorkersRights #OnThisDay #UFCW #solidarity

    • Labor Guild Admin on LinkedIn: Labor History Blog July 2024: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - Labor… (6)


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  • Robert Mike

    First Vice President, Financial Advisor, Portfolio Management Director & Branch Manager at Morgan Stanley

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    Happy Labor Day! Check out this article to learn the history of Labor Day and how the holiday came to be!

    History of Labor Day


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    Let's discuss South American labor movements.Labor movements in South America emerged as a response to exploitative labor conditions, often in the face of unyielding industrialization. It was the unity of these workers, galvanizing through labor movements, that began to shift the power dynamics between labor and capital. Learn more about the history and future of labor unions and movements in South America by clicking below:

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  • Bret Oestreich

    National President at Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association- AMFA

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    AMFA-WJ NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE #18: WJ REFUSES TO NEGOTIATE; AMFA ISSUES 72-HOUR STRIKE NOTICELink: 17, 2024A more cutting demonstration of WestJet’s disrespect for its Tech Ops employees could hardly be conceived. Tonight Vice President Tech Ops Gandeephan Ganeshalingam advised AMFA President Bret Oestreich that WestJet is refusing to proceed with negotiations scheduled for June 19 and 20 in Calgary.After the resolute rejection of the tentative agreement by 97.5 percent of the voting AMEs, the parties agreed that a crisis existed that must be addressed immediately. Dates and a city location for negotiations were set. AME representatives had booked their flights. The Union had commenced its preparation of a one-page list of revisions designed to shift sufficient “no” votes so that a new agreement could be successfully ratified.WestJet now refuses to negotiate despite previous commitments by several Company executives that bargaining would continue through this week.Moreover, the airline has filed a submission to force the AMEs to arbitrate the terms of their collective bargaining agreement. The tactic is a clever one. If adopted by the Canada Industrial Relations Board, it would utterly frustrate the AMEs’ goal of reaching an industry-changing contract because arbitrators are generally driven by industry “norms” – the same norms that have kept AMEs under the heel of management and industrial unions which favour the unskilled majority. WestJet seeks to enlist the government of Canada as its accomplice. Its expressed objective is to use the government to impose the tentative agreement rejected by the membership or a potentially inferior agreement developed by an arbitrator.We are left with only one response. It is time to march, demonstrate, and lobby your elected officials. You must do your part. This must not stand. AMFA has served WestJet with legal notice of the bargaining unit’s intention to strike beginning at 9 pm Eastern Time on June 20, 2024. Until that time, we ask all bargaining unit members to refrain from economic self-help activities.Fraternally,AMFA-WestJet Negotiating Committee

    • Labor Guild Admin on LinkedIn: Labor History Blog July 2024: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - Labor… (15)



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  • Sydney C.

    Recent MBA Graduate

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    Did you know that Labor Day was not an official US holiday until the 1890s? This article was an interesting history on the holiday, and why we choose to honor those participating in the American force with a holiday and (for many) a day off! #laborday #americanworkforce

    History of Labor Day


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  • VAdam Law, PLLC


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    The Significance of Labor DayEvery first Monday of September, Americans come together to celebrate Labor Day. But why is this day so special? Labor Day isn’t just the unofficial end of summer or a day for BBQs and relaxation—it’s a tribute to the American worker.The origins of Labor Day trace back to the labor union movement, especially the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. The first recognized Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, organized by the Central Labor Union. Since then, the day has become a nationwide event, culminating in its recognition as a federal holiday in 1894.Today, Labor Day serves as a reminder of the struggles, achievements, and contributions of American workers. It’s a day to honor the backbone of the nation, the ones who build, innovate, and strive for better working conditions and a brighter future. As you enjoy your day off, take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices and accomplishments of the American workforce.

    • Labor Guild Admin on LinkedIn: Labor History Blog July 2024: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - Labor… (24)


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  • Vermont State Employees' Association


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    First Two “Negotiation Notes” Post To Labor Relations Director Gary Hoadley has posted his first two “Negotiation Notes” to the VSEA website, and members belonging to one of VSEA’s three Executive Branch Bargaining Units are urged to give it a read. You can find the Negotiation Notes here: login is required to view this information. VSEA members and Retirees who do not already have a account may request one for free here: About VSEA Executive Branch Unit Bargaining? Contact A Bargaining Team Member!Not sure who your VSEA Bargaining Team members are or how to contact them? Click on the link below to find out and then contact them personally with your bargaining question(s), concern(s), etc.VSEA Executive Branch Unit Bargaining Team Members:

    • Labor Guild Admin on LinkedIn: Labor History Blog July 2024: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - Labor… (27)


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  • Michael Bud

    Producer / Director / Cinematographer

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    Step in the right direction.


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  • Griffin Hall

    Entertainment Industry Analyst - Tireless Worker

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    I read this article which analyzed who the winners and losers are of the recently ended WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. The main points that caught my attention were the losers of the strike: DGA and California's economy. These are topics I have been asking about the most throughout the strikes. What if the DGA had held out longer? What about the folks being forced to stop work who aren’t affiliated with the guilds?I thought about how the DGA ended the negotiations well before the other guilds. I thought about the ripple effects that comes from that decision and why the DGA might have chosen to do that. The DGA got increased minimums by a compounded 6.6% over 3 years. The writers are getting a 5% increase on minimums this year, with other bonuses built into the deal. Actors got a decent deal for themselves as well. One thing I wonder about the DGA’s swiftness to make a deal may be the connection that the DGA has with studios as opposed to the other guilds. Had the DGA held out longer, this may have worked to the advantage of the other guilds, shortening the work stoppage sooner for all. On this topic, the work stoppage caused huge losses to California's economy and was a difficult space for Gavin Newsom to negotiate. The article says Newsom had the chance to come out of the strike viewed well on the side of nature, but took an at best lukewarm approach. He vetoed pro-strike legislation, which allowed striking workers to collect unemployment. The article also posited that when IATSE’s contract ends next year, having this type of legislation in place would help strikers and others affected by the strike who work under the line.Esquire Group Inc.

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Labor Guild Admin on LinkedIn: Labor History Blog July 2024: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - Labor… (2024)


What was the main lesson learned by workers from the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? ›

Answer and Explanation: The main lesson learned by the railroad workers was that they needed to have some formal and official representation in a trade union. As a result, the Knights of Labor increased its membership and the B & O Railroad established a relief association for worker benefits.

What happened during the strike of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? ›

Of those involved, nearly 1,000 people were jailed and about 100 were killed. The strike caused over 50% of the United States' freight being carried on the railroads to stop for some time. In the end, the strikers did not win and were not given higher wages.

What was the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Apush? ›

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was the country's first major rail strike and witnessed the first general strike in the nation's history. The strikes and the violence it spawned briefly paralyzed the country's commerce and led governors in ten states to mobilize 60,000 militia members to reopen rail traffic.

What was the effect of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Quizlet? ›

What was the effect of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? Railroad workers walked off the job in other states and seriously disrupted commerce in the East and Midwest. The strikes were ended within a few weeks, but not before major incidents of vandalism and violence.

What was the response to the Great Railroad Strike? ›

Even though federal troops had never before been deployed in states during a labor dispute, President Hayes ordered troops sent to Maryland, West Virginia, and Pittsburgh, and by early August — with the help of federal troops — all the strikes were over and the trains were running again.

What is important about the Great Railroad Strike of 1886? ›

The Great Southwest railroad strike of 1886 was a labor union strike involving more than 200,000 workers. Beginning on March 1, 1886, railroad workers in five states struck against the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific railroads, owned by Jay Gould. At least ten people were killed.

Was the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 a catalyst for the American labor movement? ›

THESIS STATEMENT: The 1877 Great Railroad Strike marked the first national labor event in United States history and served as a turning point for the American labor movement. Although the strike itself failed, it evoked further labor upheaval, organization of American workers, and long-term political and social change.

How did Chicago police respond to workers who joined the general strike called by the city's labor organizers in 1877? ›

Small skirmishes broke out between police and the bands of strikers throughout the city, but no one was seriously injured. Some stopped cars on Blue Island Avenue, and their leaders were rounded up and arrested.

What happened when the Transcontinental Railroad workers went on strike? ›

At the time it was the largest organized labor strike in the United States. Their demands included higher wages, reduced workdays from 11 to 10 hours, and shorter work shifts in the tunnels. The strike lasted a week before the CPRR cut off all food and supplies to their camps.

What event caused the Knights of Labor to lose membership? ›

The Knights organized unskilled and skilled workers, campaigned for an eight hour workday, and aspired to form a cooperative society in which laborers owned the industries in which they worked. The Knights' membership collapsed following the 1886 Haymarket Square riot in Chicago.

Which statement is true regarding the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? ›

Final answer: The true statement regarding the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 is that it began in West Virginia and spread to other states. It was not a completely peaceful protest and it did not lead to a significant increase in wages or a complete industry shutdown.

Why did workers flock to join unions after the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? ›

Explanation: Workers flocked to join unions after the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 largely due to the realization that they needed more robust organization to effectively lobby for improved economic and labor conditions.

What was the effect of the Great strike of 1877? ›

By the time the strikes were over, about 1,000 people had gone to jail and some 100 had been killed. In the end the strike accomplished very little. Some national politicians talked of labour reforms, but nothing came of it. Industrialists continued to cut wages and break unions.

What factor ignited the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? ›

The factor that ignited the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was salary cuts. In the late 19th century, railroads were facing financial difficulties and decided to cut the wages of their workers. This led to outrage and protests among the railroad workers, eventually escalating into a nationwide strike.

What are two barriers immigrants found in adapting to life in America? ›

Two barriers that immigrants often faced in adapting to life in America are financial constraints and language barriers. Immigrants who lacked financial resources often struggled to access housing, education, and healthcare in their new country, which hindered their ability to adapt effectively.

Which of the following best describes the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? ›

Which of the following best describes the significance of the Great Strike of 1877? It was the first nationwide strike in the United States.

What were the workers' demands in the Great Railroad Strike? ›

The precipitating event for the Strike of 1877 was a 10% pay cut announced by the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. It was the second such pay cut for workers in eight months. On July 14, 1877, workers in West Virginia refused to work, occupied the railyard, and refused to allow trains to leave.

What was the importance of the railroad during the war who had this advantage? ›

The industrialized Union possessed an enormous advantage over the Confederacy — they had 20,000 miles of railroad track, more than double the Confederacy's 9,000 miles. Troops and supplies previously dependent on a man or horsepower could now move quickly by rail, making railroads attractive military targets.

What result of the Pullman strike is the worker describing? ›

"i do not like to walk up there and hand up my membership in the american railway union because when a man asks me to give up my principles, my rights as an american citizen, he might just as well ask for my life." what result of the pullman strike is the worker describing? the loss of money by the pullman company.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.