Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (2024)

Got the shivers? Feeling a bit blue? Tuck into these vegan comfort food recipes!

By Lora O’Brien

With summer well and truly in our rearview mirror, we’re embracing the cooler season for all it has to offer. Our oversized jumpers and thick padded socks are coming out. And with those, our cravings for delicious comfort food, as well. You know, those hearty meals that remind us of home, and give us the same vibes as a warm embrace.

Some of us turn to sweetness, others go for savoury. Whatever tickles your taste buds, I’ve put together a mixture of popular vegan comfort food recipes that so many of us really need when we have the blues.

What’s your personal go-to? For me, it’s a stack of pancakes, smothered with maple syrup. Or if I’m craving something savoury, nothing quite beats a vegan mac’n’cheese.

Of course, I’ve included recipes for these – and so much more – below.

30 Vegan Comfort Food Recipes

1. Warming Porridge With Poached Pears

Now I get why the three bears loved having porridge! It’s super delicious, and nutritious, too. And nothing beats a warm bowl of creamy oats when it’s cold outside. And you can always reinvent your oats by changing the toppings, but I think this poached pear recipe is a winner.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (1)

2. The Fluffiest Vegan Pancakes

Oh my, who doesn’t love a delicious stack of pancakes? As I mentioned, pancakes are for me, one of the most comforting of all the vegan comfort food recipes. But often, when making them without eggs, I find they can be a little flat. But never fear: this fab vegan recipe will put the fluff back into them!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (2)

3. Vegan Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Toasted bread oozing with gooey vegan cheese? Um, yes, please! This is truly one of the most popular vegan comfort food recipes, thanks to its crunchy exterior and mushy, savory insides. And if you’re looking to try a new grilled cheese recipe, the pickled jalapeño slices add a fab crunch and spice.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (3)

4. Butternut Squash Lasagne

If you’re looking for a healthier and fresh way to make lasagne, give this butternut squash recipe a try. It’s creamy and dreamy, and there’s even a vegan bechamel sauce to make it super rich. Yum!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (4)

5. Easy Vegan Pizza

Pizza, wine and Netflix sounds like weekend bliss to me. I mean, who would deny pizza is the ultimate vegan comfort food? And you won’t need the takeaway menu thanks to this easy recipe.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (5)

6. Vegan Cheesy Pull Bread

Bread and (vegan) cheese are two of my favourite comfort foods, so this recipe is pretty much perfect. It’s hot, crunchy, creamy and SO tasty. The combination of bread, cheese and garlic….need I say more?

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (6)

7. Creamy Tomato Soup

As a child, as soon as it got cold enough for a jumper I was enjoying big bowls of warm soup with a crusty roll. My go-to bowl? Tomato! You just can’t beat it. And if you’re looking for more delicious recipes to make from scratch, check out these vegan soup recipes. There’s something for everyone!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (7)

8. Vegan Chili

What’s not to love about chili? You can eat it alone, eat it with rice or throw it on top of some baked potatoes. It’s even more delicious the next day, and if you’ve made too much, it’s easy to freeze for later. You can cook this in one pot, too. Perfect if you hate doing dishes!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (8)

9. Vegan Loaded Texas Fries

I love potatoes in all their glorious forms, but loaded fries have to be one of the tastiest vegan comfort food recipes! These baked babies are topped with mushrooms, cheese, pickled jalapeños and BBQ sauce…anyone else drooling? Perfect for sharing with friends ona rainy day – or not!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (9)

10. Black Bean Chili-Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Love spuds but want lower carbs? Believe it or not, sweet potatoes have a lower GI than the usual kind. They’re also packed with more fibre and vitamins. And here in this recipe, they provide the perfect creamy base for some spicy, Mexican-inspired toppings.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (10)

11. Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff

Looking for vegan comfort food recipes that are a bit more elegant? Ideal for the colder months, this vegan mushroom Stroganoff feels both filling and fancy. Plus it only takes 25 minutes to make – perfect!

Get the recipe here.

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12. Vegan Shepherd’s Pie

Who needs ground beef when you can pack a pie with garlic-infused lentils? They’re peppered with sliced veggies and topped with creamy mashed potatoes, providing a balanced meal in a single dish. This is one of those vegan comfort food recipes that the whole family will love, and it’s bound to be one you make again and again.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (12)

13. Creamy Vegan Potatoes Au Gratin

Cheesy, creamy hot potatoes? Not diet food, for sure. But when you’re cold or blue, this dish warms the tummy – and the heart! It’s also pretty easy to make and acts as a wonderful side dish to any meal. Oh, and the ‘gratin’? It’s basically almond milk and nooch.

Get the recipe here.

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14. Vegan Pasta Bake

This pasta is cooked in a creamy tomato sauce and topped with lots of vegan cheese – need I say more? If you’re wondering how the sauce is made so creamy without dairy, the answer is cashews, my friends.

Get the recipe here.

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15. Fresh Mango and Tofu Curry

For some of us a curry is the ultimate comfort food,so keep your curry fresh and exciting with this fruity recipe. The puréed mango is the perfect delicate sweetness against the ginger and earthy spices.

Get the recipe here.

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16. Vegan Bangers & Mash with Homemade Gravy

Hearty and meaty vegan sausages meet fluffy mashed potatoes, onions piping hot gravy…. Seriously, this feels like it not only fills up your belly, but your soul, too!

Get the recipe here.

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17. Vegan Big Mac

Now you can enjoy McDonalds (minus the cruelty and pollution) thanks to this veganised version of the popular fast food dish. There are layers and layers of carbs and tasty sauces here, my friends! PS: if like me you’re a fan of meaty vegan burgers, why not check out these other totally yum vegan burger recipes?

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18. Tofu Katsu Curry

Katsu curry is a popular, comforting Japanese dish loved by many. If you’ve been looking for a vegan version then you HAVE to try this recipe made using tofu. Crunchy on the outside, creamy on the inside, topped with a spicy sauce. You’ll never look back!

Get the recipe here.

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19. Creamy Leek & Mushroom Pie

Every Sunday at my house, we have pie, potatoes and veg. It’s a weekly tradition! And what’s not to love? It’s warm, it’s wholesome, and it’s super comforting. This leek and mushroom pie has all the winning components of a great dish: golden, flaky pastry with a delicious creamy sauce that oozes out when it’s cut. Drool!

Get the recipe here.

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20. Smoky Vegan Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Mac and cheese is yet another of those vegan comfort food recipes that many of us salivate over, but there’s no denying that the dairy version is pretty much a heart attack waiting to happen. This recipe is heaps healthier – yet just as rich and creamy!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (20)

21. Vegan Pierogi

As anyone with an Eastern European background knows, pierogi is one of those must-eat vegan comfort food recipes! Little ravioli-like pillows of dough stuffed with mashed potato and vegan cheese, fried in onions? Oh man, these hit the spot!

Get the recipe here.

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22. The Ultimate Mashed Potatoes

Fluffy, buttery and comforting – what’s not to love about some good old-fashioned mashed potatoes? This recipe includes some roasted garlic to transform this into one of the most seriously divine vegan comfort food recipes!

Get the recipe here.

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23. Rosemary Vegan Chicken & Dumplings Stew

Tender rosemary dumplings, vegan chicken and veggies simmered in a rich, herby broth. Whoa, right? The rosemary really makes a difference here. A bowl of this feels just like a warm hug!

Get the recipe here.

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24. Easy Vegan Cornbread

Wonder how you can make cornbread light and fluffy without using dairy? White beans give this recipe a pillowy softness. Top it with some vegan butter – or even jam – whilst it’s still warm, and enjoy biting into perfection.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (24)

25. Vegan Clam Chowder in Bread Bowl

Enjoy this clam chowder – without the clams! It’s super creamy and brimming with smoky flavours. The tender ‘clam’ bites are king oyster mushrooms. It’s all served in a crusty sourdough bread roll – with some extra vegan butter, in my house!

Get the recipe here.

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26. Vegan Potato Soup

Not only is this one of the best vegan comfort food recipes for those on a budget, it’s one of the tastiest, too! This soup is packed with mainly spuds, but also other wholesome veggies. Then it’s all topped off with a smoky tempeh bacon. De-lish!

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (26)

27. Vegan & Gluten Free Hot Fudge Pudding Cake

Molten hot chocolate bursts out of a fudgy cake base – it’s a bit like dying and going to chocolate heaven! The best part: this is not only vegan, but gluten free, too.

Get the recipe here.

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28. Salted Caramel Apple Pie

What makes you think of mom’s kitchen more than an apple pie? Warm, tart apples with sweet, buttery pastry – oh yes! Top with some caramel sauce and vegan ice cream and each spoonful will be like a tiny, sweet hug.

Get the recipe here.

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29. Chocolate Ice Cream

How many of us have reached for a tub of ice cream when the mean blues strike? Probably all of us. Which is why this is one of the most essential of all the vegan comfort food recipes! And the best flavour? Chocolate, of course! This creamy recipe is made with just 3 ingredients, is quick and cheap – perfect for keeping in the freezer for when you’re feeling a bit down.

Get the recipe here.

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30. Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies coming fresh out of the oven is possibly the smell of most people’s childhood, am I right? Perfect for enjoying with a coffee or with some cold almond milk. Cookies are just the sweetness of life.

Get the recipe here.

Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (30)

Main image:get the recipe here.

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Lora O'Brien

Food Editor at Eluxe Magazine

After graduating in Journalism from the University of Greenwich, Lora worked for Sugar and Healing Lifestyles magazines in London before being hired to write about food for Eluxe. She’s recently become a new mom to baby Lulla, and is writing a blog about the experience of being a new mom. See more about Lora here.

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Vegan Comfort Food Recipes To Warm Your Winter (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.